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Two women biking to promote lung health

Leading the Way in Lung and Esophageal Cancer Care

You’re fighting for yourself. For everything you love about life. And with AdventHealth, formerly Florida Hospital, Cancer Institute’s team of nationally renowned lung and esophageal cancer physicians by your side, you’ll be cared for by the best of the best —
in your corner, working for you. Our approach to patient care means we treat your body, mind, and spirit to help you rise above your condition and feel whole.

Expertise. Convenience. Compassion.

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                        Leading Thoracic Cancer Experts

Leading Thoracic Cancer Experts

Experience matters. Our team of more than 200 of the most respected and skilled cancer physicians in the region has helped countless patients successfully treat or manage lung cancer. And we do it with an unrivaled emphasis on whole-person care.

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                        Accredited. Recognized. Top-Ranked.

Accredited. Recognized. Top-Ranked.

We’ve invested in getting accredited as an Academic Comprehensive Cancer Program by the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer. We’re also honored that U.S. News & World Report recognized us as one of America's best hospitals for colon and lung cancer surgery.

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                        Better Patient Outcomes

Better Patient Outcomes

Anticipate a better tomorrow. Trust in proven results. Our multidisciplinary approach to care has led to outcomes that surpass the national average, with five-year survival rates that significantly exceed nine cancer registries.

Lung and Esophageal Cancer Diagnosis Could Include:

Explore Your Treatment Options

Chemotherapy in Comfort

Chemotherapy Treatment: What to Expect

Nothing matters more to us than getting you well, and getting you home. Depending on what type of cancer you have and how advanced it is, chemotherapy may play an essential role in successfully treating lung cancer, esophageal cancer, and mesothelioma. From the moment you arrive for your chemo treatment, one of our nurses will be there to greet you and guide you, keeping you and your loved one informed, comfortable, and in good spirits throughout your visit.

How Does Chemotherapy Work?

Using a combination of specialized drugs, chemotherapy has the power to destroy or slow down the growth of fast-growing cancer cells. It can be administered intravenously or orally, depending on whether you have lung cancer, esophageal cancer, or mesothelioma. At AdventHealth Cancer Institute, our oncology experts take an individualized approach to your chemotherapy treatment. Your diagnosis and overall health will determine which treatment(s) is best for you.

Chemotherapy may be the only treatment you receive, or, more commonly, it’s used in combination with surgery and/or radiation therapy. Along the way, we're here to help however we can, answering any questions and helping you stay strong and optimistic before, during, and after your treatment.

Understanding Your Treatment Options

Radiation Therapy: What to Expect

While radiation therapy is one of the most common treatments for lung and esophageal cancer, at AdventHealth Cancer Institute, we do it with uncommon expertise, guidance, and compassion. Your Nurse Navigator and physician teams will guide every aspect of your treatment, educating you on how to feel your best before, during and after. Using sophisticated radiation technology, we can target tumors in and around your lungs and esophagus with amazing precision, easing your pain and leaving healthy tissue untouched. Depending on your diagnosis, your dedicated team may recommend radiation alone, but in many cases, we combine it with surgery and chemotherapy.

How Does Radiation Therapy Work?

Across our cancer institute, our oncology experts take an individualized approach to every patient’s treatment plan. Radiation therapy targets specific areas of the body, shrinking tumors and killing cancer cells by damaging their DNA.

When treating lung or esophageal cancer, radiation therapy can be delivered in multiple ways with various technologies:

  • Image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT) relies on fluoroscopic CT images of the constantly moving lungs, allowing for more precise dosing.
  • External radiation delivers radiation in a concentrated beam to keep nearby healthy tissue unaffected.
  • Intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) is a highly accurate tool used for higher doses of radiation while keeping your comfort in mind.
  • 3D simulation and treatment planning visualizes the area and allows the radiology team to create a personalized plan for treatment.
  • Trilogy® is a system that provides a range of treatments all in one machine, giving your team fuller access to more tools and precision.
  • Stereotactic radiosurgery and radiotherapy concentrate higher doses over a shorter period of time for early stage lung cancers to make treatment go by faster.
  • Endobronchial HDR (high dose radiation) delivers highly targeted, high doses of radiation to the bronchial tree area to reduce or remove any obstruction caused by a tumor.

Throughout your treatment, your nurses and your radiology care team are there to keep you and your loved ones informed, comfortable, and uplifted.

Specialized Surgeries

If surgery is part of your treatment plan, it’s reassuring to know that your health is in the hands of specialized thoracic surgeons. As a recognized leader in lung and esophageal cancer care, we’re helping patients heal through innovative surgical care day in and day out.

Options for Surgery

Surgery for lung or esophageal cancer can be a promising step forward on your path to healing. Your dedicated team of cancer specialists will review every detail of your medical history and recent tests to recommend the most effective treatment plan for you. Surgery may be the only treatment you need, or, more commonly, it’s used in combination with chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy.

We typically treat lung cancer through one of following surgery options:

  • Wedge resection removes the tumor and some surrounding tissue.
  • Lobectomy takes out a whole section, or lobe, of the lung.
  • Pneumonectomy removes the lung that is affected by cancer.
  • Sleeve resection targets the bronchus, the tubes that connect the lungs to the trachea.

As a different type of cancer, esophageal cancer requires different surgical procedures depending on the location of your tumor(s). Surgery is the most common treatment for these cancers, and can include:

  • Esophagectomy removes part of the esophagus and reattaches the new ending to the stomach, sometimes adding plastic tubing to connect the two.
  • Wide local excision targets the tumor and surrounding tissues for a precise procedure.
  • Pleurectomy and decortication removes part of the chest and lung linings.
  • Extrapleural pneumonectomy removes one lung and any cancerous parts of the lining of the chest or diaphragm.
  • Pleurodesis drains fluid from the pleura, a lining of the lungs.
  • Endoscopic mucosal resection removes abnormal lesions or tumors from the lining of your esophagus.

Regardless of what procedure you need, from pre- to post-op, we’ll be there with open arms to ease you into your recovery.


Your spirit is pulling you through. You’re willing your body to do the same. And with immunotherapy, it can. Over the last few decades, this amazing biological therapy has become an essential part of many patients’ cancer treatment.

How Does Cancer Immunotherapy Work?

Immunotherapy includes innovative treatment that works to help treat cancer in two primary ways:

  • Immunotherapy can stimulate your immune system to work harder, smarter, and quicker, and fight back against cancerous cells.
  • Immunotherapy can infuse you with immune system components, such as man-made immune system proteins, like monoclonal antibodies.

There are four main types of immunotherapy most commonly used:

  • Monoclonal antibodies are man-made versions of immune system proteins. We can design these to attack a very specific part of a cancer cell.
  • Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors are a combination of drugs that can help your immune system recognize and attack cancer cells.
  • Cancer vaccines can help jump-start an immune response against certain diseases.
  • Other non-specific immunotherapies boost your immune system in a general way.

Your physician and Nurse Navigator will talk you through the immunotherapy process, from choosing a specific immunotherapy treatment to managing the potential side effects.

Our expert doctors at AdventHealth Cancer Institute are continuously seeking and training in new technology and advances in treatments.

Intraoperative Molecular Imaging (IMI) is a novel lung cancer surgical technique. Using a fluorescent dye, which binds to tumors, IMI allows surgeons to more accurately and visibly see the cancer as they operate. IMI also provides greater accuracy for resecting lung cancer by providing surgeons greater visible access to look for co-existing tumors, surgical margins and lymph nodes during surgery.

Our thoracic surgeons at AdventHealth Celebration are the first doctors in Florida to use this technique for lung cancer treatment, and we’re only the second center nationwide since IMI received FDA approval.

How Does IMI Work?

IMI is a unique surgery enhancement that utilizes an agent and imaging to illuminate cancer cells, so surgery is more accurate, the removal of cancerous tissue more precise — avoiding future surgeries — and recovery is faster.

Using imaging with a fluorescent dye, your surgeon can find small primary tumors faster — leading to shortened time in the operating room. IMI has been proven to assist in locating other tumors that may have previously gone undetected, allowing surgeons to treat these lesions during the same procedure and avoiding a future second surgery. IMI also lets surgeons assess their surgical margins in real time, giving you and your surgeon increased confidence in the surgical outcomes.

Stop Wondering. Start Preventing.

The sooner we catch lung cancer or detect that you’re at risk for it, the higher our chances will be of successfully treating or preventing it. It’s why in addition to educating you on lung cancer prevention tips like quitting smoking and maintaining a healthy diet and exercise plan, we also want to be clear about your risks.

Every year, nearly a quarter of a million Americans are diagnosed with lung cancer. It’s why we recommend periodic screenings in the form of a low-dose CT scan for all heavy smokers and other high-risk patients. You are considered high risk for lung cancer if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • Over the age of 50
  • Current smoker or have quit within the last 15 years
  • Have smoked at least 1 pack of cigarettes per day

If you are at high risk for lung cancer, you may be eligible to take part in our lung cancer screening program. For more information on lung cancer screenings, or to schedule an appointment, connect with a Nurse Navigator at 407-743-4833.

AdventHealth offers groundbreaking diagnostic options that help physicians find hard-to-reach nodules during lung bronchoscopy, such as the MONARCH Platform.

More Precise Robotic-Assisted Lung Biopsy
The MONARCH Platform is an innovative telescoping technology that gives doctors greater reach, vision and control during lung biopsy. This procedure can lead to more accurate biopsies, better diagnostic capabilities and faster treatments. If your physician discovers a nodule or mass on your lung, a biopsy is needed to determine if it is cancerous. Some masses can be very small and difficult to reach with manual bronchoscopes. The MONARCH Platform’s unique telescoping design, integrated camera and suction built into the tip, gives your doctor far more control and vision to perform a successful biopsy — even in deep regions of the lung. 

Our Specialists Specialize in You

Gary Chmielewski, MD, FACS
Marcelo DaSilva, MD, FACS
Colleen Gaughan, MD
Samih Khauli, MD
Patrick Mangonon, MD
Tarek Mekhail, MD, MSc, FRCSI, FRCSEd
Medical Oncologist
Mark A. Socinski, MD
Medical Oncologist
Maps image of AdventHealth locations in Central Florida

Where To Find Us

You’re ready to give it your all. To know your options and choose the right team of lung and esophageal cancer specialists — a team that treats cancer with a purpose-driven focus on your whole-person wellness. Across all seven Central Florida locations, our leading oncology specialists combine both proven therapies and emerging innovations to achieve patient outcomes that consistently exceed the national average.

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An oncologist and esophageal cancer patient discuss cancer treatment procedures and options

Explore Patient Resources

You'll feel even stronger when you're surrounded by a loving support system. From our pampering patient spa, which provides relaxation services and wig fittings for lung cancer patients, to financial assistance tools, we’re here with the practical, emotional, and spiritual guidance you need.

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Rejuvenating Rehabilition

Getting back to feeling whole and healthy means making room in your life for plenty of guidance, love, and support from your family, from your friends, and from us. We’re here to help guide you and educate you, with personalized lung and esophageal cancer recovery programs. We’re here to remind you that exercise plays a key role in reducing the risk of recurrence and has the potential to decrease your hospital stay. We’re also here to keep you motivated, with gentle but firm reminders that resistance training can help decrease your risk of fractures. From pain reduction and physical rehab, to counseling and community resource recommendations, we’ll never stop supporting your body, your outlook, and your spirit.

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Lung Cancer Screening Program

If you’re over the age of 50 and a heavy smoker, your chances of getting lung cancer are significantly higher, and you may be eligible to take part in our lung cancer screening program. Connect with us for more information on lung cancer screenings, or to schedule an appointment.

Connect with Us

Embrace Your Full Network of Cancer Care

A surgical oncologist in operating attire performs a clinical trial procedure to treat a lung cancer patient

Clinical Trials

Our team of lung and esophageal cancer specialists and researchers is continuously discovering new ways to prevent and treat cancer. Our participation in more than 175 national clinical trials a year gives access to many of the latest treatments and prevention methods, many of which may not be available for months, or years, to come at other cancer centers.

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A woman diagnosed with lung cancer receives a second opinion on her diagnosis in front of CT Scan machine

Get A Second Opinion

It's always a good idea to get a second opinion. Our second-opinion experts can help you feel more confident in your care, either by confirming your diagnosis, shedding new light, or opening the door to new treatment options.

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Two men drinking coffee discuss lung and esophageal cancer support groups in a well-lit living room

Lung and Esophageal Cancer Support Groups

Our cancer patients often find comfort and hope where they least expect it: in the company of peers who end up becoming so much more. Connect with patients, survivors, and a compassionate support group staff who truly understand what you’re going through.

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News and Events

News at AdventHealth Cancer Institute

New studies. New research. New technology and more. We’ll keep you informed of innovative treatments, advanced techniques, and the latest offerings at AdventHealth Cancer Institute.

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Events at AdventHealth Cancer Institute

Find healing, find community, and stay in the know. With a wide variety of events year-round, we’ll help you connect with other patients, caregivers, support groups, as well as our compassionate care team.

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